RelationsInspector Node-graph editor for Unity


  • Inspecting UI event handlers

    Unity’s UI system lets components of GameObjects register event types they want to handle. It then forwards input events to the appropriate handler components. Keeping an overview of all those components is hard with the scene hierarchy window, because it contains so many objects. The UIEventBackend provides a single location for accessing all UI event handler components and their listeners. See it in action here.

  • Event-driven Dialogs with node-based Editor

    This post covers the creation of a simple general purpose dialog system, including a visual Editor that makes it easy to use for even complex dialog graphs. It’s versatile: thanks to Unity’s event widget, you can hook up any code to the dialog buttons. Of course we won’t create a button for each dialog instance. You can also form any shape of dialog connections: chains, trees, loops, graphs. The project lives on GitHub.